My First Race
I just completed my first 5k run in Burlington, Ontario. My goal was simple: reach the finish line without being carried by the paramedics. My best times during training on a treadmill were just below 39 minutes, and most practice session ended before the completion of a full 5k.I finished in 34.42, and am looking forward to the next event with great anticipation. I finished 170 / 192 finishers, and 8 / 9 in my class.
An interesting observation: During the times when the running was hardest, praying helped. In fact, there were a number of prayer subjects that seemed to get better treatment while I ran, than during my usual prayer time.
Sometimes when we are called to perservere prayer is the only thing that works. This is true in running and in ministry.
Congratulaton Dave on the completion of your first 5 K run. I am impressed. Appreciated you comments. I am proud of you!
Congratulations Dave, both on the race and on the blog! I look forward to checking in with you! By the way, I too have recently joined the world of blogging, though not the world of running... yet. Pay me a visit at
God's best to you!
Dave W.
A quick re-write of an old classic.
Tortoise and the Hair(abridged):
The tortoise, considered ancient by some, taking life one day at a time, living in the now, was rapidly approached by a relatively young hare one day. The hare challenged the tortoise to a race by saying; 'In a minute I'll be miles ahead of you'. To which the tortoise laughed and replied; 'Fine...But in a moment I'll be crossing the finish line instead of you.' --- Moral of the story: "It's not a human race, it's a hue-man journey."
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