Saturday, November 11, 2006

10k and Recovery

10k on a treadmill.

My training schedule called for a 10k easy run / walk. I really wanted to run outside but the weather was not cooperative. I prepared my water bottle, my MP3 player, and my stop watch, and set out with a plan: SuRvIve!! I did. Running 3 minutes @ 5 mph and walking for 1.5 minutes @ 3.8 mph carried me through the first 63 minutes. Then I had to change stategy, running 3 and walking 2. 10k - 6.25 miles, in 82 minutes 20 seconds.

That's a long time to run... but I managed to find the mental toughness to stick to it. There were huge temptation moments when my mind screamed to abandon this folly. Having survived, I am committed to the 5k run in December. I'll finish, no matter what, and maybe make my target time.


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Glenn Gibson said...

Bravo. Mind over muscle. You have what it takes. You are truly a runner! GG

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really Great HelpFull Thanks
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