Friday, May 12, 2006

OK Coach, will this do?

It was no surprise when my coach followed up my last posting with a chat about defining specific goals. As a coach, I know how to help those I coach by using the same sort of questions. Eventually it got down to actually calendaring the details… and making a commitment to follow through.
His closing comment was that before long people would notice the difference.

12 May / Plan: 3k outside / Result: 3k Treadmill – rain 23m 19s
13 May / Plan: 40 min on Treadmill / Rough but finished... the 10% grade was a killer
14 May / Plan: 3k outside / Result: Started fast, 2 x 1min walking. Finished 20m 48s
15 May No training
16 May / Plan: 3k outside / heavy rain - ran on treadmill - 22 min.
17 May / Plan: 5k / problems at work - got home late - NO run.
18 May / Plan: 40 min on Treadmill / arrived at hotel in Maine - played badminton and then ran about 2k outside with Richard (No time)
19 May / Plan: No training
20 May / Plan: ??
21 May / Plan: 30 min on Treadmill

Some learning. I was easier to run when there were those watching. As I pursue the spiritual race, I need to remember the cloud of witnesses, and those who undoubtedly watch my progress.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Fresh Start

I finally decided that lethargy had ruled long enough. It's true, I knew my friend and coach was going to ask me what my plan was, BUT I finally got moving again.
Monday I decided that I needed a new goal and a new approach. Something in my personality is always looking for something new. So I measured out a new track - 3k, and headed out with no goal except to finish. I did.
Monday - 3k - 21 min 13 sec

Tuesday, I arrived home late and did not have 20 before supper so decided to re-run my 2k track. Again a new goal. I started off at a faster pace than I had been used to running, and sure enough regretted it about half way... but somewhere I found the mental stubborness to continue and ran what may be my best time yet.
Tuesday - 2k - 12 min 50 sec.

What does all of this tell me about my spiritual life?
  1. I need to know someone is at my back, asking the hard questions. Pushing, but with a measure of grace (a large measure).
  2. I need to change what is becoming routine. I need new learning, new application, new challenges... stretching.